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Leslie Grace

Leslie Grace has been a steadfast supporter of the arts through her work with A! Magazine and Arts Alliance Mountain Empire. She continues to [...]

Dottie Whitesides

Dottie is a lifelong mentor and friend. Throughout my teenaged years and into adulthood, Dottie shared wise observations about books, life, and people when [...]

Shaunna Mellons

Through the sharing of her time, energy, and personal experience with addiction, Shaunna offers much-needed hope and support to those who often have none. [...]

Kathy Whitaker

Kathy Whitaker has been known to say this is not a job to her. This is her life mission. She proves that every day [...]

Sharon Mooney

Sharon has a radiant light which shines through her beautiful smile, her loyal friendship and her kind gentle heart. Sharon’s gift of listening and [...]

Margot Seay

For more than 20 years, Margot Seay has worked locally and across the nation to elevate the voices of 50+ Americans.