- Make sure you have permission from your honoree, including her blessing on the photo if you’ll be submitting one.
- Write a Tribute (less than 200 words, please!) sharing why your honoree deserves recognition.
- Have a flattering photo of her ready to upload (Cropped square 1:1 photos work best). You can attach up to four images and a video from YouTube or Vimeo.
- Use the form below to submit your Tribute and complete the checkout process.
- We moderate Tribute submissions, so please give us up to 12 hours for the approval process. You’ll receive an email notification once your Tribute has been approved and is live. Check out your tribute and Share the Light!
*If you've already completed this tribute form but did not complete payment, you can access your cart and checkout here.
You may be asked to log in. If this form was submitted successfully, you should have received an email with your user name and password.
For assistance with submissions, please email HSmith@ywcatnva.org or call 423-968-9444 and leave a message for Heather Smith.
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