
YW CARES Program

The YWCA created the YW CARES Program in order to serve victims, of any crime, between the ages of 17-24 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. The YW CARES Program is here to provide programs and resources that help victims of crime identify and manage trauma. It is the goal of the program to provide safe and compassionate care. This includes, but is not limited to, physical, emotional and spiritual support.

The purpose of The YW CARES Program is to serve victims’ immediate need for resources and reassurance, no matter if it’s in the middle of the night or on the weekend. Crimes don’t just happen during business hours, Monday through Friday, so we’re going to connect victims with necessary counseling, medical treatment, legal advocacy, and other therapeutic programs as soon as possible.

Due to the lack of victim advocates available after business hours, between 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM, YW CARES also serves as the community advocates to all victims of crime, regardless of age or victimization. Along with our community partners, YW CARES will respond to our local hospitals, police departments, and college campuses to provide immediate support, guidance, and emergency provisions to all victims in our area. YW CARES will complete referrals to day-time service providers the following business day to ensure on-going services are provided. The goal of YW CARES is to ensure no victim falls through the cracks.

YW CARES Program Services:

  • Serving victims of crime between the ages of 17-24, in Sullivan County, Tennessee
  • Immediately connecting victims with an Advocate
  • Building a strong support network
  • Providing transportation and support to Court Hearings, medical appointments, and more
  • Providing emotional, spiritual and physical support
  • Connecting victims with other community service providers
  • Offering services to promote self-care such as: self-defense class, yoga classes, creative writing, essential oils, equestrian therapy, and independent living skill development.
  • All services can be provided virtually, depending on the request of the survivors

If you are interested in learning more about how you or your organization can get involved with this project please visit the YW CARES website www.ywcares.org or email ywcares@ywcatnva.org

This project is funded under an agreement with the State of Tennessee.