21 Day Challenge
Day 21:
A Message from our CEO
Congratulations & Well Done!
You have completed the first YWCA Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia 21 Day Racial Equality and Social Justice Challenge. We thank you for your commitment to increasing your self-awareness and knowledge. If you are like most people you experienced moments of disbelief and enlightenment during segments of the challenge. The hope is that this challenge will lead participants to form new thoughts and habits while facilitating discussions in our community. We want you to feel empowered to confront the issues of racial inequality and work for social justice for vulnerable groups, with the goal of a more equitable society.
The unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak has placed even more stress and produced more anxiety for vulnerable populations. These are the groups that will suffer the most because of the pandemic, and typically have the fewest resources to fall back on in the time of a crisis. We must work together to face this test of the character of our society. Reach out to help those suffering during this crisis and find opportunities to support those who are oppressed.
Moving forward we ask that you do one thing….Care. Phil Vischer in his podcast Holy Post-Race in America states, “It (care) is the thing that begins every journey to a solution for every problem.”
Again thank you for your commitment to create change through the 21 Day Challenge.
Kathy S Waugh
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
Plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17