combined va and tn

The 19th Amendment

The 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution - often referred to as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment for the women’s activist who pioneered the amendment but died before its ratification - was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919.  The Tennessee Legislature became the 36th state to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920, providing a one-vote victory for suffragists. The amendment ensures “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."


Wonderful poster designs of suffragists have been created for use in local celebrations of the ratification of the 19th ammendment. A short bio of the suffragist will be added to each poster. The posters will first be displayed in downtown Bristol businesses beginning on August 26.  They will then be offered to the libraries in the region, schools, and to other public community venues for display throughout the year.
Wonderful poster designs of suffragists were created for use in local celebrations of the ratification of the 19th amendment. The posters are displayed in downtown Bristol businesses. They will be offered to the libraries in the region, schools, and to other public community venues for display throughout the year.

Women's Suffrage Centennial

The YWCA is proud to lead this community celebration that honors the hard-won success of those who worked tirelessly to ensure women’s voices were heard at the ballot box.  The right to vote was a monumental step toward eliminating racism, empowering women, and the other values that are central to the YWCA’s mission.

A key part of the local celebration will be to document the stories of local residents who were active in the suffrage movement. Those with photos, articles, or stories regarding residents of Bristol and surrounding communities who were instrumental in the movement are asked to share their information by sending to

Calendar of Events for 2020   (due to the COVID pandemic, several events were postponed or cancelled)



Tuesday, January 7 at 7:00 pm

Bristol TN Council Meeting

Slater Center

325 McDowell Street

Bristol, TN

Signed Joint Proclamation with Bristol, VA

Tuesday, January 14 at 6:00 pm

Bristol VA Council Meeting

City Council Chambers

300 Lee Street

Bristol, VA

Will sign Joint Proclamation with Bristol, TN


Monday, February 24 at 9:15 am

King University Memorial Chapel

The Bible and the Ballot: Arguing for Women's Suffrage

Thursday, February 27 at 3:00 pm

Bristol Public Library

Planning meeting for Centennial Celebration


Thursday, May 28  7:30pm - 8:30pm via Zoom

"Behind the Scenes" for Winter Wheat with Barter Theatre

Click for more information


Monday, June 8

(Changed to August 10)

YWCA/BHA/BTS Women’s Suffrage Centennial function


YWCA/BHA/BTS Women’s Suffrage Centennial function

This event can be viewed at:

Milly Rainero was chosen to introduce the program, having won a DAR award for her portrayal of suffragist Ivy Carter as an 8 year old girl and as an adult.

Wednesday, August 26

Remembrance Celebration of Women's Equality Day

Bristol TN-VA

TechGyrls and signed proclamation

Activities will be held from 10:30am -3:00pm  at the Bristol Train Station

Members of the public are invited to wear white and to walk downtown commemorating the centennial anniversary.  Masks or face coverings are requested, and social distancing will be practiced. Store windows will be decorated with posters of suffragists. Activities will also include information tables, photo opportunities, suffragists in costume on property, voter registration, and it is hoped that commemorative postage stamps will be available.

The community is encouraged to ring bells and make noise in celebration of the centennial anniversary at noon!

Watch for this Event!

YWCA Northeast TN and Southwest VA retains the right to deny the submission of any events or activities on this calendar that do not advance the organization’s mission of eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. YWCA NETN/SWVA is a non-partisan 501(c)3 organization and does not endorse or support any candidate for public office. No politically partisan events will be approved for submission on this calendar.