YWCA Smiles: Cameras for a Cause!

$75  for 15 minute photo session

The YWCA NETN and SWVA has partnered with several phenomenal photographers around our region to bring you mini photo shoots.  For $75, you will receive a 15 minute photo shoot with the photographer and location of your choice and 5 edited images sent to you digitally by your photographer.  Below is a list of photographers, their locations, and dates and times.  Enter your information in the form on the left and submit your time (in 15 minute increments).  You will be emailed a confirmation of your date and time.  Please note the $75 fee is  non-refundable.  Due to social distancing guidelines, please limit your group to no more than 6 people.

Please call the YWCA at 423-968-9444 for more information.

Neikirk 2 Niekirk Photography
Neikirk 3
S Laughland 1 comp Sarah Laughland
P1010068 (2)
IMG_0084 (2)
Mobile Image copy (1) JRich Photo
Portrait_6 Billie Wheeler
DSC_9131 Billie Wheeler
Kadees Approach2 Kadees Approach
Kadees Approach 1 Kadees Approach
A Stacy Your Story Creations
A Stacy3 Your Story Creations
pic1 Alexander Long

List of Photographers, Locations and Times

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This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in a mini photo shoot for you and your family and also help the YWCA NETN and SWVA.  Money raised through this effort will help in so many ways and will stay right here in our community.  We are so proud to say that we have not closed our doors for even one business day since March.  However, that does not mean that we haven’t felt the impact of COVID-19 by any means.  With your help, we will help the children of essential workers in our childcare centers, hopefully welcome back the TechGYRLS to our building for after school support, continue to offer support and education to teens that are soon to be parents, and advocate and be the voice of victims of crime and abuse.
