U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Offers reduced rents to low-income tenants
(202) 708-1112

Bristol Faith in Action

Provides rental assistance, utility assistance, small food pantry, personal care items, and diapers.
(276) 466-8292 (Please call for an appointment)
Serves residents of Bristol TN/VA City, Blountville, Bluff City, and portions of Piney Flats whose residents are served by BTES.

Upper East TN Human Development Agency

Provides rental assistance when funding allows, utility assistance, and commodities
(423) 246-6180
Criteria: TN Residency

Good Samaritan Ministries

Emergency assistance for rent, food, & utilities, referrals to homeless shelters, assistance in filling out forms and applications, employment assistance, emergency food pantry, counseling, pet food pantry, legal clinic, vision care clinic.
(423) 928-0288
Monday - Friday 9a-12p & 12:30p-3:30p

Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Adoption, Baby clothes & diapers, counseling, financial coaching, foster care, groceries, guardian ship, housing & sheler, o,,ogratopm & citizenship, interpretation, job skills & placement, pregnancy counseling, refugee resettlement, rent & utilities, senior services, & waiver services.
(804) 285-5900