Bristol Faith in Action
Utilities and Rent, prescription assistance (no narcotics), food diapers, personal hygiene items, debt/budget counseling, free medical care, referrals for drug and alcohol abuse, referrals for education placement, referrals for job placement, referrals for violent/abusive situations.
(276) 466-8292
Criteria: Zip codes, 24201, 24202, 24203, 37617, 37618, 37620, 37621, or 37686
Tues-Fri 10a-2p
BTES Utility Assistance
Form for application:
(423) 968-1526
Upper East TN Human Development Agency
Provides rental assistance when funding allows, utility assistance, and commodities
(423) 246-6180
Criteria: TN Residency
United Way of Bristol – COVID Cares Grant
Provides utility assistance for those financially impacted by COVID-19 and who are low to moderate income.
(423) 989-4912
Criteria: Serves residents of the City of Bristol TN or Bristol VA
The Salvation Army of Bristol
Provides rental assistance, utility assistance, food pantry, clothing, and emergency shelter.
(423) 764-6156 OR 1 (800) SAL-ARMY
Please call from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Monday to schedule an appointment.
Criteria: Serves residents of Bristol VA City; Bristol TN; Blountville, Bluff City, and portions of Piney Flats whose residents are served by BTES.
The Salvation Amy -- Kingsport
Shelter for men, women, & children, financial assistance for utilities, rent, food, clothing, and furniture.
(423) 246-6671
4p-8a every day