Upper East TN Human Development Agency
Provides rental assistance when funding allows, utility assistance, and commodities.
Criteria: Applicant income determines eligibility for services
Bristol Faith in Action
Utilities and rent, prescription assistance (no narcotics), food diapers, personal hygiene items, debt/budget counseling, free medical care, referrals for drug and alcohol abuse, referrals for education placement, referrals for job placement, referrals for violent/abusive situations.
(276) 466-8292
Criteria: Zip codes, 24201, 24202, 24203, 37617, 37618, 37620, 37621, or 37686
Haven of Rest Rescue Mission - Haven Thrift Store
The charity sells household items, preowned clothing, furniture, books & toys. A voucher (or gift box) may be given out as well to the neediest, and this will have free clothes or kitchen supplies for new or single parents.
(423) 968-2011
Good Samaritan Ministries
Emergency assistance for rent, food, utilities, referrals to homeless shelters, assistance in filling out forms and applications, employment assistance, emergency food pantry, counseling, pet food pantry, legal clinic, vision care clinic.
(423) 928-0288
M-F 9a-12p and 12:30p-3:30p
The Salvation Army of Bristol
Provides rental assistance, utility assistance, food pantry, clothing, and emergency shelter.
(423) 764-6156 OR 1 (800) SAL-ARMY
Please call from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Monday to schedule an appointment.
The Salvation Amy -- Kingsport
Shelter for men, women, & children, financial assistance for utilities, rent, food, clothing, and furniture.
(423) 246-6671
4p-8a every day
People, Inc
Criteria: Bristol, VA Resident
Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center
Helps pregnant women. Everything from counseling to basic needs (such as free maternity or baby clothes or diapers) are given out. They also refer women to financial help such as WIC vouchers or provide advice on how single moms can get help.
(423) 968-4673
The Giving Kitchen
Provides emergency assistance to food service workers through financial support and a network of community resources.
Criteria: Works in restaurants, catering, concessions, food trucks, cafeterias, bars or taprooms