Branch House
(423) 574-7233
A multiagency, multidisciplinary center where providing services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and their families from one location.
Contact Concern
(423) 246-2273
Free & Confidential Crisis Support: Open M-F 8a-5p
Change is Possible Family Violence Shelter (CHIPS)
(423) 388-8281
24-hour crisis hotline, Safe & Confidential shelter, rapid re-housing, court advocacy, & victim's compensation, information & referral, individual & group workshops, support groups, community education, thrift store, teen dating violence & bullying education.
Domestic Violence Hotline
1 (800) 356-6767
Hope House of Scott County
(888) 250-4325
24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, referrals, pet foster placement, food clothing, & personal hygiene products for residents, advocacy, legal assistance, court advocacy, housing, employment services, education, social services, support groups, programs for children in residence, case management.
Parent Helpline
(800) 356-6767
Parental Support and Referrals.
(800) 656-4673
Sexual assault hotline for listening, counseling, and referrals to local sexual assault services.
Woodridge Hospital
(800) 366-1132
A hotline for listening, counseling, & referrals.
Washington County
(423) 788-1414